A long weekend

Week 14 has been relatively uneventful.  I have had a stressful couple of weeks at my internship, and the school semester is ramping up now that we're about 5 weeks in, but overall things have been good!

Evan and I took advantage of the long president's day weekend, and took a cruise down the coast to Half Moon Bay.  It's a touristy beach area about an hour south of San Francisco.  We walked around main street, then down to the water and out to lunch at the Half Moon Bay Brewery.  After that we went back to the water.  Evan went to put his feet in the cold water.  He didn't gauge the waves well and one got him pretty wet.  Luckily I was sitting back on shore laughing and taking pictures.

Here are some pictures from the weekend - Evan is allergic to camera's, so I have sneak a shot when I can.

To finish off our long weekend, we spent today running errands.  I had to do my second trimester blood labs, so we stopped by the lab quick.  They took 15 viles.  15 viles!  What in the world do they need that much blood for?  As I left the room, the nurse said, "Ok, well have a good evening, I'm going to go sell this on the black market."  and then she laughed.  I guess every occupation has their own inside jokes.  I know us therapists have them, they're usually about the shaky status of our own sanity...

Alrighty well I have to go make dinner, I'll leave you with one final picture.  This is my belly shot week 14.  It doesn't look like much, but the effort it took for me to get my pants on and buttoned this morning sent me on a furious shopping mission.  I bought two pairs of stretchy pants that will hopefully be appropriate for work and will get me through the next couple of months until I can live in dresses.


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