It's crunch time. The wedding is 6 weeks away, and I need to lose 20 lbs to get to my "pre baby weight". hahahahaha. Kidding. Well not really, but I lost the dream of "pre baby body" a long time ago, so now I just try to work out to feel better and relieve stress. I have started replacing 1 meal a day (it's supposed to be 2, but that's too hard) with a smoothie of my own invention. Today it was 1.5 cups unsweetened vanilla almond milk, half an apple, two handfulls of spinach and a tablespoon of rolled oats. yesterday it was similar, sub kale and a banana and probably a reeses cup or something.
I hate dieting, but I learned in high school that the best way to lose weight in a hurry is to go on a liquid diet. My best friend and I did the "soup" diet for weeks before prom. We looked amazing, but no one liked us because our bitch factor rose with exponential fury when we were hungry.
Anyway, I want my kids to be happy about their bodies and to think of eating and exercising as healthy lifestyle choices, not as a means to extreme weight loss. So I am very careful of what I say around them, what I eat around them, how I exercise and how I talk about exercise. Evan and I have a YMCA membership, so we have been starting to go work out again more often.
Pre-babies, I used to run and work out frequently. I competed in races and was proud of the many "finisher medals" I had displayed (as most obnoxious competitors do). These days are different, and that is ok. I think what is most important is remembering that it is not just ok, but actually healthy for Evan and I to take time away to go work out. We need that sanity time. We need that rush of whatever hormone hits you when your legs are about to fall off mid-run. We need and deserve it, and HAVE to make time for it. Plus, I need to live long enough to see how amazing these little people are going to be.
Both babies have been teething again. I know this because of the excessive crying and irritability. They are probably also going through a growth spurt as evidenced by the loads of food they eat and long hours they sleep. Wyatt wakes up from a nap and is immediately tired again, rubbing his eyes, biting me, crying and throwing tantrums. It's really fun.
We've had a few pretty fun weekends lately. A baby shower for a friend, an invite to watch t
he Padres vs. Giants from our friends condo that overlooks the stadium, etc... been good. Below are some pictures. that's about all I have for now. Love and smoothies :)
Olivia and I at our friends baby shower |
Evan & Liv at our friends condo for Padres vs. GIANTS!! |
Olivia giving Wyatt a back massage. She's practicing to be a massage therapist just like her mommy! |
Evan and Wyatt at the baby shower |
Wyatt being a silly guy |
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