
Showing posts from January, 2013

Baby Blog Beginnings

It was suggested by my mom that Evan and I begin a blog.  We agree that it is a great way to let our families and friends in on our new adventure!  If my past is any predictor of the future, you'll want to keep up with the blog because there are sure to be some good laughs to come. With this being our first experience with pregnancy, we have no idea what to expect.  Much of the first trimester I was quite sick, not keeping food down and sleeping as if I'd never slept before.  Evan was a champ, helping me through these rough couple of months.  I also got through depending on mint Mentos candies, and peppermint tea.  Finally now in week 11, I am feeling much better.  I keep food and liquids down and have a bit more energy.  I'm grateful for this because I started back to my final semester of grad school last week.   Evan and I have been to a few doctors appointments, and so far everything is looking good!  Last week we got to hear the babies heartbeats which was a com