Mom Brain

(I had written this post a couple of months ago - and true to it's title, my "mom brain" forgot to edit and post it.  So now you get it a couple months delayed)

My best friend flew into town this past weekend to spend some time alone with me a few weeks before my wedding.  We had planned to run a 5k, stay in a hotel one night so I could try to get out of the mom-zone-frame-of-mind, eat good food, drink good drinks and maybe smoke some shisha.

She got into town on a Friday.  That night, we packed up and headed to the hotel.  When checking in, the woman looked up my name, she gave this head tilt and said, "hmm, you're not in our system."  I said "Yes we are, look I have my confirmation here."  she says, "oh yes maam, that confirmation is for tomorrow night."  I said "No, for tonight." she says "Look, right here, it says for tomorrow night."  Feeling like a first class idiot, I say "My mistake, do you have anything for tonight?"  She says"no, we are all booked... wait, yes, we have one room left tonight.  I mean it's not a real room, it's part of another room, but the door between rooms locks."  I said "Ok!  We'll take that."  She says "And it doesn't have a bed.  Only a pull out couch."  "For the love of god, we will take the room, as long as it has a bathroom and pillows, we will take the room.  I am away from my kids for one night, please book the room."  She says "yes maam.  I will have them make the couch up as the bed."

So, we go to our servants quarters, as we called it, which were still nicer than my apartment.  We got ready and headed out for sushi.  We had a wonderful night full of sushi, saki and shisha.  We got back and slept like... well, we slept like mommies without our kids.

The next day we planned to relax before our 5k race on Sunday.  Except when we woke up on Saturday morning, Facebook was full of pictures of friends who had just run the exact race we were supposed to be running.  Another mistake we had made.  We were so upset that we missed the race, we drowned our sorrows is the breakfast buffet, and then got pedicures.  We also got tattoos!  I have been planning, and planning my tattoo, one I have wanted for a very long time.  I have, of course, been hesitant, but I have a lovely story behind mine and it is personal meaningful, and I love my tattoo very much.

We had the most wonderful weekend catching up.  Carise will be back in 3 weeks for our wedding, which made the "goodbye" not so harsh. 



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