These are a few of my favorite things
A lot of my friends are having babies. I have been writing a million emails to friends who ask me, "what should we register for?" "What do we need?" Here you go, some of our favorite things. Most of these are awesome for twins, but I'm sure they are wonderful for single babies too :)
I should also note that in talking to other parents, I find that "splurge items" are different for everyone. We choose to splurge on our stroller whereas other parents empty their accounts for the crib, organic products or whatever seems most important to them.
Favorites for Newborns
1. Onesies - The onesies with long sleeves and mittens at the end were essential for us. Buy a lot of them.
2. Bibs - Bibs are NOT all the same. We loved this one because it has a sponge ring around the neckline. Wyatt was a big spitter, and before we had these he would get a rash around his chin/neck because we couldn't keep the moisture away. This bib helped a ton to keep him rash-free.
3. Baby Bjorn - It doesn't have to be any specific brand, but get a pack to hold baby in. Often times the babies would only fall asleep being held, I could put one baby in the pack while the other was sleeping and then could do dishes with them. Also awesome for running errands when babies get older.
4. Sleep Sack - Specifically the Halo sleep sack works wonders. We loved the fleece one to keep the babies tight and warm at night. When babies are swaddled up like little footballs they can't flail their arms. Apparently there is a connection between arm flailing and crying. Keep babies arms down and you can better manage their uncontrollable cries. (I am repeating what I remember the nurses telling me at the hospital, and what worked for us.)
5. Nipple Shield - Ok, these are controversial. As are most things related to child rearing. Some lactation consultants wouldn't talk to me about these at all and others swear by them. Both of my babies had a hard time latching on, so we used these to make breastfeeding manageable and less painful. I LOVED them and would use them again in a heartbeat.
6. Swing - I loved our baby swing. We bought one on clearance from Target and the other was a hand me down. Any swing will do as long as it swings smoothly the baby will love it and you will love it because it soothes babies cries.
7. Rocking Chair - Any kind, we have a plush rocking chair/recliner and a glider so that Evan and I can sit together and rock the babies. It makes for wonderful family time, reading time, bedtime preparation and late night soothing.
8. My Brest Friend - Twin - I spent many MANY hours breastfeeding the twins simultaneously or just laying them face up on the pillow so I could be close to them and hold them at the same time. Whether or not you breastfeed, this is a helpful pillow. Your arms and wrists get tired from holding the little ones, so it's nice to lay them on a pillow and still get the closeness that you and baby crave.
9, Boobease - Nipple balm is a necessity. Your nipples get chapped and cracked. Sorry to tell you this, but it happens so you better be prepared with some soothing balm.
10. A Breast Pump - Medella sells great breast pumps. My advice is to get one that is quiet and you can pump both boobies at the same time. I bought mine from a second hand store and used the attachments that the hospital gave me, so I don't have a link to send you to.
A little later...
What you don't need (at least right away)
1. A changing table - I had an old dresser that I refurnished a long time ago, I put a changing pad on top of it. It was perfect. It fit the changing pad, wipes, powder and creams. Then in the top left drawer go the diapers and the top right is extra wipes, nail clippers, snot sucker, lotions etc.
2. A crib - In the beginning, baby can sleep in a bassinette or a co-sleeper, or in bed with you. We had two pack n play's that had bassinette fittings and we put the babies in those for the first 6 months. When the babies turned 6 months, we bought a crib. The babies sleep together in the crib now and we'll get a second when they get too big to fit together.
3. Clothing - People are going to buy your baby clothing whether you ask for it or not. Baby clothes are just too cute to pass up, so you may not need to register for them, you'll get them either way. Also once people find out you're pregnant they love to give you hand-me-downs. The majority of our clothes were gently used hand me downs.
I'm sure this list is incomplete. I'll keep thinking of what else is good to register for or if I remember any other favorites.
Bye for now!
I should also note that in talking to other parents, I find that "splurge items" are different for everyone. We choose to splurge on our stroller whereas other parents empty their accounts for the crib, organic products or whatever seems most important to them.
Favorites for Newborns
1. Onesies - The onesies with long sleeves and mittens at the end were essential for us. Buy a lot of them.

6. Swing - I loved our baby swing. We bought one on clearance from Target and the other was a hand me down. Any swing will do as long as it swings smoothly the baby will love it and you will love it because it soothes babies cries.
7. Rocking Chair - Any kind, we have a plush rocking chair/recliner and a glider so that Evan and I can sit together and rock the babies. It makes for wonderful family time, reading time, bedtime preparation and late night soothing.

10. A Breast Pump - Medella sells great breast pumps. My advice is to get one that is quiet and you can pump both boobies at the same time. I bought mine from a second hand store and used the attachments that the hospital gave me, so I don't have a link to send you to.
A little later...
1. Podee Bottle - Don't ask questions, just go now to and buy it.
It is a handsfree feeding system for your child. It is essential for twins in order to feed two screaming and hungry babies at the same time. I also love to use them anytime I have the babies out in the stroller. I don't have to stop to feed them, I just give them the bottle and they feed themselves. I want to hug the inventor of this.
2. Citi Mini Double Stroller (Our splurge item) - It's expensive, but I love it and you can find them on Craigslist sometimes for a great deal. It is really light, folds easily and small enough to fit in the trunk of my Honda Accord along with a load of groceries or laundry or whatever other mystery items I have back there. I can push it with one hand (yes this comes in handy) and it turns on a dime.
3. Stroller Hooks - I have two of these on the stroller. This keeps my diaper bag high enough that it doesn't swing and ruin my stride.
4. PlayMat - Any play mat will work, we love ours. The babies play on it all the time. It's a clean, safe place to put the little nuggets and they are endlessly entertained. I would buy a new one and not get one used. I mean all kinds of baby fluids come spraying out on toys like this, it's nice to know the messes are your kid's and not someone else's.
It is a handsfree feeding system for your child. It is essential for twins in order to feed two screaming and hungry babies at the same time. I also love to use them anytime I have the babies out in the stroller. I don't have to stop to feed them, I just give them the bottle and they feed themselves. I want to hug the inventor of this.

3. Stroller Hooks - I have two of these on the stroller. This keeps my diaper bag high enough that it doesn't swing and ruin my stride.

5. Exersaucer - We started using our exersaucer's around 5 months old. They are great. Keep the kids entertained and contained. Loving containment is crucial with twins and I imagine mommies of single babies love it too. Both of ours are hand me downs, but again this is one of those items that babies spit up on, and have diaper explosions in, so use your best judgement. If the hand me down was taken care of and cleaned well, you're good.
Other Items to Register For:
1. Car seat - I will give you no advice about this except that you need one. I registered for the first infant one I found because they were overwhelming to me. Sorry I'm not better help. The only thing I will say is that you need to know if you are buying a stroller where the car seat fits right into the stroller, or if your stroller and car seat will be completely separate. Ours are separate and it works fine.
2. A baby monitor - depending on how far away your babies will sleep. We have not used our monitor yet because we co-slept for a long time and now babies sleep in a room close by.
3. A bathtub - We loved this one because it fits in our sink and in the bathtub. The babies are almost 7 months old and we still bathe them in the sink. It's way less stress on our backs and knees.
4. Breast Pads - Your nipples leak, so you want something padding your nipples such that you don't have two big wet spots on your shirt. It happens and it's embarrassing but you can do your best to avoid it by padding those bad boys.
5. Diapers and wipes - In the first 6 months you might need sizes Newborn - 4's, depending on how big baby gets. A good gift to ask for is for someone to send you diapers along the way, months 2,3,4 and so on. that way you are covered for a while.
6. Bathing items - bath soap, wash cloths, soft baby towels to dry them off with, after bath lotion (we loved lavender scented lotions).
What you don't need (at least right away)
1. A changing table - I had an old dresser that I refurnished a long time ago, I put a changing pad on top of it. It was perfect. It fit the changing pad, wipes, powder and creams. Then in the top left drawer go the diapers and the top right is extra wipes, nail clippers, snot sucker, lotions etc.
2. A crib - In the beginning, baby can sleep in a bassinette or a co-sleeper, or in bed with you. We had two pack n play's that had bassinette fittings and we put the babies in those for the first 6 months. When the babies turned 6 months, we bought a crib. The babies sleep together in the crib now and we'll get a second when they get too big to fit together.
3. Clothing - People are going to buy your baby clothing whether you ask for it or not. Baby clothes are just too cute to pass up, so you may not need to register for them, you'll get them either way. Also once people find out you're pregnant they love to give you hand-me-downs. The majority of our clothes were gently used hand me downs.
I'm sure this list is incomplete. I'll keep thinking of what else is good to register for or if I remember any other favorites.
Bye for now!
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