Wanted: A Personal Assistant

In my head, August 16th is the babies due date.  They will induce me 2 weeks before that, so in reality, August 1st-ish is looking like the end of the road for this pregnancy.  It is almost misleading to tell a woman pregnant with twins what her due date is though, because as I read more about giving birth to multiples, the babies can come anytime from week 26-40.  I'm in week 23 right now, so to think that it is possible that the little ones might join us in just 3 short weeks... well that makes me sweat and begin to hyperventilate...

So I'll stop thinking that they'll be extremely premature.  Instead, I am moving into action mode.  Today I signed Evan and I up for the group Twins By The Bay.  It's a twins group that I was recommended to by a woman in the store once (because random people give me advice now).  I checked it out and it seems to be a great group to join.  Members all have, or are expecting twins.  They go on outings together, have support groups, speakers, classes, yard sales, toy/clothing/equipment swaps and overall are excellent for networking.  It should be fun for Evan and I to meet others in the area who we can get advice and help from as needed over the next few months.

I signed us up for a hospital tour.  This Saturday, we will head over to Alta Bates in Oakland to tour their birthing center!  I'm excited to see the whole hospital but specifically the areas where I will be spending 36 or so hours screaming, pushing and crying.  Let's hope it's comfortable, and has soundproof walls.  They must have thought of that, right?

Anyway, we're also looking into Lamaze classes.  Yes I realize it's a little late for this, but I honestly could not fit in one more thing over the past few months.  If we can't fit in the classes, I guess we'll just buy a book or something and do some home studying.  I am particularly interested in hypnobirthing.  This is a modality where I would learn self-hypnosis techniques that help keep me calm throughout the birth.  It also is supposed to help with pain management - the goal being to have a natural birth.  Let's be honest though, as much as I'd love to give birth quietly, sans medication, by chomping down on a strap of leather (just as my mom reminds me, all of my ancestors did) I am fairly certain that I will take the "modern" route and gladly accept the epidural when the pain gets to be too much.  It's too bad they can't just knock me out with gas like they do at the dentist.  That would be nice.

So what do we have left to do then?  Well we have to pack hospital bags, put together a list of who to call when I go into labor, clean the apartment, and then clean it again.  There's probably a lot left to do that I'm missing, but we will figure it out as we go.

Our San Francisco baby shower is in the making.  That will be on June 2nd, my friends from school are throwing this one for us.  It will also be lovely and happens to be during the time my parents will be in town for my graduation, so that is a bonus.  Luckily for Evan he'll know a lot more people at this shower :)

Thanks for letting me bombard you with blog posts these past couple of days.  For now it's 80 degrees out, we don't have much of a breeze through our apartment, so I'm sitting here sweating.  I think I need to get out of here and take a walk, or go hang out in the refrigerator.

Love Bree and Evan


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