7 Months and Still Going Strong

Happy Memorial Weekend!
As I write this post, I'm listening to a mix cd that our friend Gabe gave to us of classical music that is supposed to be good for the little ones to listen to.  I'm trying to create baby genius's of course.  At this point, the babies can hear and can open their eyes.  They probably can't see anything because of how dark it is in there, but their eyes can open and close.  They are growing hair, and should be passing the two pound mark.  I have an ultrasound this coming week, so hopefully we'll get another good look at them!

Friday night Evan and I went to the Giants vs. Rockies game.  My friend Sarah gave us her bleacher seats, so we got to sit in the outfield which was a fun change from our usual seats.  Rockies hit a home run just a couple of rows below us, and after the chaos of drunk people fighting over the ball, they ended up throwing it back to the field anyway which is the common practice when the opposing team hits a homer into the stands.  The Giants ended up losing, but it was a really good night regardless.  After the game there were fireworks and it was a beautiful display with a huge finale!  Then we rode the ferry home which is always a fun commute.
Our first Giants game together since I've been pregnant.  
The babies are moving A LOT.  Sometimes it feels like the boy is putting his arm up under my ribs and digging around in my lungs.  I have to push him back down and get him out of there because as you can imagine it's pretty uncomfortable.  Then down south, the girl rolls around and kicks hitting as many organs as possible.  I guess they have 9 months to incubate, they probably have to find ways to entertain themselves.  When Evan and I are cuddling or hugging, he always gets a laugh out of feeling the babies kick.  Sometimes their strength shocks us!  Oh and by the way, I've been feeling better and having more energy since being on the iron supplements.  I'm really glad they found the anemia so I could do something about it otherwise that fatigue would have really been a bummer for the next couple of months.

My parents come out to visit on Friday.  I'm excited to see them and to show them around, take them to some great places to eat.  We have a busy weekend planned, then all day Monday and Tuesday to hang out and they leave on Wednesday.  

I had an interview today to be a tutor.  I figured that tutoring would be the perfect way for me to make a little money while I'm in this weird limbo of feeling like I can work, but not being able to because no one wants to hire a woman who is 7 months pregnant.  The work is tutoring kids K-12 on either English of Math.  English in my case because I despise numbers.  If I can't figure out what a 20% tip is in my head, I think it's fair to say I should not be tutoring kids in math.  Anyway, they tutor one child at a time for 2 hours each session.  Seems like fun work, and not too strenuous.  Also perfect for part time just until the babies come.  Keep your fingers crossed, it actually pays pretty well too!  

I think that's all of today's news.  Oh, not sure if I posted this yet or not, but Evan and I have decided that we will move to San Diego.  We are thinking of moving around October.  Our choice took a lot of talking and thinking and research, but we have decided based on staying in California, cheaper cost of living than the bay area, job opportunities for Evan and paid internship opportunities for me.  We also have quite a bit of support down there.  I lived in San Diego for 4 years before moving to San Francisco, so I have a massive network of friends and friends families who are ecstatic to have us and the babies there.  I also have friends who have just had babies, so we will fall perfectly in line with them.  It is going to be a great move, we are both excited to get settled down there and raise some beach babies.  

Have a super duper weekend, 
Love from Bree and Evan  

Week 28 Belly


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