We Have Crawlers!

I've been over thinking these blog posts. I sit down tonight to do some work for my marketing job, but I wasn't feeling motivated to do that. Instead I thought ok, I'll write a blog post... but I don't really have much to say. That's a lie! I have some great things to tell you about. First and foremost, we have crawlers! The babies turned 8 months old yesterday and today, as if they were watching and waiting on an 8 month countdown, they began to crawl. Just a couple little crawls, they don't do much before laying on their belly's and crying. Or in the case of Olivia, she just rolls everywhere. Rolling is faster than crawling. She's an innovator. Martha Speaks Wyatt still has only two and a half teeth, while Olivia has about 6 or so. Wyatt is sleeping a little better at night. We are up with him anywhere from 2-6 times per night. It's usually 10pm, 2 or 3am, 4am and either 5 or 6am. Evan gets up with t...