6 month update

Shhh, the babies are down for a quick nap.  Today, I'm not feeling well - I have a cold and I am exhausted.  We dropped Evan off at work this morning and instead of going out for our usual walk, I brought the babies home so I could rest.  Rest.  Well, you know what I mean.  Luckily it is Friday, and Evan said he would take the babies to the farmer's market tomorrow and let me sleep... I can't wait!  The other light at the end of the tunnel, is that February is filled with visitors of the Grandparent type, so Evan and I can let the Grandparents watch the kiddos while we sleep or have a date night.  Yeay!  Speaking of date nights, our friends Cate and Nate and their baby Franky gave us tickets to the George Strait concert at the end of the month!  We are SUPER excited to go see him, but this means that we have to leave Wyatt and Olivia alone with a sitter for a few hours.  Incredibly nerve wracking!  We are using Cate and Nate's nanny who they rave about.  I feel quite comfortable with her, now I will just have to get over the difficulty of leaving my peanuts with someone for a few hours who isn't family!

BIG NEWS!  we actually have a lot of big news.  Olivia has two bottom teeth that popped out so quickly, she now runs her tongue over them all the time probably wondering what the heck is going on in there.  Wyatt has one little guy popping out on the bottom too.  It's pretty crooked, so we're guessing there will be braces in their futures.  Olivia is sitting up like a big girl all by herself.  She just sits there and plays, I usually put a pillow behind her so when she tips over it's a soft landing.  She doesn't cry much when she falls I think she knows it's just part of the game.  Wyatt tries to sit up but doesn't quite have his balance just yet.  He lays next to Olivia and plays with her though which is super cute.

On New Years Day, Evan proposed to me!  It was so unexpected and thoughtful and romantic and the babies were there and we were on the beach, uggh it was perfect.  I am over the moon happy about being engaged to Evan.  We already have the best little family this is just one more piece of the puzzle.  So now I am planning the wedding.  It will be really small just family and a couple of close friends.  That suits us well though.

Other than that, my life coaching job has taken off!  I have 4 clients and it feels great to be helping people again.  I fit clients in either early mornings before Evan goes to work for my east coast clients or in the evenings for my west coasters.  It's ideal right now to be able to write my own schedule, I'm hoping that if it picks up and I get more clients maybe I can dedicate one day a week to life coaching and get a sitter for that one day... well something like that, we'll have to see.  Massage is still chugging along on weekend mornings, this is a slow time of year for that, so not many clients there.

Evan has been liking his new job.  It isn't as fast paced as what he was doing in San Francisco, but hopefully as time goes on he can take on more responsibility there to get the job more up to speed with what he is used to.  Evan is super excited for baseball season to start!  He is planning out the games he wants to go to, and San Diego Padres Fan Fest is coming up, we're going to see if we can get some schwag signed for the babies...everyone loves babies.

I joined a casual meet up group for moms in our neighborhood.  They post events and we can pick and choose what to go to.  This week we went to a concert on the lawn at the library in Kensington which was a blast!  The babies were in awe of all the kids around them.  They love music and were laughing and bouncing along with the singer,  it was great, I can't wait to go to more events and get to know some parents close by.  There were even a couple of twin mommies there which was refreshing.

Evan and I want to get into shape and make our eating habits a little healthier.  We are trying out this Paleo diet which is also called the caveman diet.  Basically you eat whatever early humans ate which includes things they found or killed.  I'm a skeptic because it sounds stupid.  The reason the diet worked for hunters and gatherers is they exerted so much energy and burned so many calories hunting and gathering that they could eat fatty foods because they NEEDED to.  It was about survival.  The cement jungle that we now live in doesn't grow berries, however there is a huge skunk that wanders through the complex so I suppose I could chase that guy around to kill some fat cells but it might have a disappointing end.  Anyway, we cut out most dairy, grains and sugars.  I expect the weight to fall off any day now...
The thing I do love about the diet is that it is forcing me to think outside the box about what I cook/bake.  Imagine for a minute that brownies could be made with sweet potatoes and no butter and that cookies could be made from ground up raw almonds sans butter or sugar.  It's true!  It can be done and the food is delicious.  I have made "mashed potatoes" out of cauliflower and we haven't eaten butter or bread in two weeks **.  I don't miss it at all, but I do crave tortillas and chocolate.  It's good to stretch my culinary creativity - and by that I mean it's good to enter the "health food" aisle of the grocery store without fear and to force myself to think about cooking outside the constraints of meat, potatoes, rice and dairy.  

Ok I have a million other things to say, but have to stop before this turns into an autobiographical novel.  Now I'll share some pictures.

**To be fair, we have had "cheat days" in which we've eaten food not on the diet.  I mean the occasional doughnut isn't going to kill anyone.


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