I don't even know where to begin writing this post. The babies are 9 days old now, and they are sooooo wonderful! Their little personalities are already emerging, Evan and I are having the best time getting to know them. Yes we are struggling with sleep deprivation, but Evan and I make a great team, we split the work as much as possible. I am learning how to get ahead while the babies sleep so that I am not frantic when they wake up at the same time and both need to be fed, changed, burped and held.
Wyatt is having a hard time learning to breastfeed. He latches on for a minute or two, but seems to not like having to do all that "sucking" work. He prefers the bottle where the liquid basically drips into his mouth unless he pulls it out faster. We practice with the breast, then I pump so he gets my milk and we supplement with formula.
Olivia has no problem breastfeeding, she would be latched to my boob all day if she could. Timing seems to be the challenge at this point. Originally we were on a schedule of feeding every 3 hours, and now it seems that I feed them every 1-3 hours, or whenever they start crying.
Both babies are generally happy and easily soothed. There are of course those moments when I've gone down the list when they are crying to make sure they are fed, dry, burped, sleepy, and warm and they still wail, and we're not sure what they need. Those are the hardest times. I don't like hearing my babies cry and not be able to help them. I suppose I should get used to that though huh?
I'm feeling like I have writers block. I think the issue really is that I have so much to say I can't get it all out. I'll try to get a few posts out here and there for you all, but for now my brain is shutting down and I want to leave you with pictures of the little munchkins. Evan and I spend much of our time taking pics of the babies because they amaze us and are always doing cute things. Here are a few to start with...
Love Bree, Evan, Olivia and Wyatt
Just out of surgery Wyatt on left Olivia on Right |
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Our first family picture |
Wyatt and Olivia holding hands |
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Wyatt (Left) Olivia (Right) |
Wyatt on bottom, Olivia on top |
Family Shot |
Evan and little Wyatt |
Wyatt |
Evan and Miss Olivia |
Olivia and I |
Daddy reading Calvin and Hobbes to the babies |
Smiling Wyatt |
Olivia |
The babies sleeping with us |
Nap time |
Olivia |
Olivia in her daisy outfit |
Biiiiiiiig Yawn |
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