Week 33... so close

I am escaping the summer heat by posting up at a coffee shop with ginger iced tea to write this.  Our apartment is a sweat box, I just can't cool down there.

It's been a big couple of weeks!  Renee, Evan's mom came to visit for a few days, we had a couple of doctor appointments and I had a new patient meeting with a pediatrician we are thinking about choosing.

It was great to have Renee out for a few days.  I am at a point in the pregnancy where the weight, discomfort and fatigue limit my ability to be out and about.  Therefore, entertaining is not my strong suit, but Renee was great about enjoying a slower pace with me while Evan was at work.

Unfortunately the morning that Renee arrived, Eugene was in a cycling accident that resulted in him fracturing a hip and having to head into surgery to get a replacement hip.  Luckily Aimee and Lucas were around to help in addition to a huge outpouring of support that Eugene got from his cycling group and friends.  Still it couldn't be easy for Renee to be far away for this, but her spirits were up and we still had a nice couple of days.

Evan is great at choosing restaurants to eat at, so he was in charge of choosing our dinners out.  Sunday Evening, we had a nice dinner at Pappo, a restaurant in Alameda where Evan and I live.  On Monday We ate at a fancy restaurant called Boulevard downtown San Francisco, Tuesday we went to Spengers Fish Grotto because both Renee and I were craving fresh crab.  All of our meals were excellent, and we don't eat out much, so it's nice to feel pampered by having someone else cook.  When we weren't eating, we were at doctor appointments, taking walks on the beach, shopping, or hunting down lamps and shades to get some "homey" lighting in our apartment.  It was kind of gray and rainy both days so we were limited as to what we could do outside which was too bad.  Overall, I had a great time, next time Renee sees us we'll have two little ones to keep her busy!!!

So onto the babies.  I am now on a regimen of seeing my doctor every other week.  In between those appointments I go to the hospital twice weekly for antepartum testing.  For those tests, they monitor both heartbeats for 20 minutes while also monitoring contractions.  They also watch my blood pressure and do weekly ultrasounds to check for the babies movement and positioning.  Depending on how all of those tests go, they may decide to have me do further testing.  So far everything has looked good, so just the standard monitoring which is great.  

Currently the babies heartbeats are strong, they are constantly moving and shifting.  I am having contractions frequently throughout the day, but nothing too strong just yet.  Baby boy has done a complete flip, so now his head is down by my left hip and his feet are up in my right lungs, seems like he's getting himself in the "go" position.  My little gatekeeper however, has her feet and but planted firmly on top of my cervix with her head bobbing around somewhere on my right side.  She clearly is not ready to go anywhere yet.  She apparently has a tighter sac around her and less water, so her movement is more limited which means that the probability that she will flip from the breech position is low.  Because she is lower than the boy, if she stays breech, I will have to have a c-section.  

The babies are too big to get full body ultrasound pictures for them, but here is our ultrasound tech's best drawing of how the babies are situated (her drawings always crack me up)

Today Evan and I had a baby shower at Open Table, Evan's office.  It was really nice to meet his co-workers and get to chat with them.  We had lunch together, played a game, listened to music and ate cake.  They also gave us a very generous gift card which was very thoughtful.  Evan's office is amazing by the way, he has beautiful views of the surrounding buildings in downtown San Francisco.  It was fun to see where he hides away every day.

Here is a pic of me at 33 weeks.

With Love,
Bree and Evan


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