
Showing posts from September, 2014

The Skinny Shepherd

As all of you parents know, coming up with dinner ideas to keep the fam excited, is hard to do.  it is even harder if you have someone who has food restrictions, or, like me, is just trying to eat healthier. Almost every day, Evan says "what's for dinner?" and 1 of two things happen.  I irritably reply "I don't know Evan, why don't you help me think of something?"  Or, I say "I'm not sure, baby, let me find something that looks good." and then this leads into a 2 hour sort through Pinterest - the black hole of all websites, followed by a 3 store grocery shopping extravaganza to find all the right ingredients.  The question came up the other night, and as I was milling about my "food fantasies" pin board, I found a Shepherds Pie that looked like a big warm hug.  Big warm hugs of food are what make me pack on weight like a bear heading into hibernation, so I thought I'd try a lighter version.  The good news is - it was AMA...

Sweating for the Wedding

It's crunch time.  The wedding is 6 weeks away, and I need to lose 20 lbs to get to my "pre baby weight".  hahahahaha.  Kidding.  Well not really, but I lost the dream of "pre baby body" a long time ago, so now I just try to work out to feel better and relieve stress.  I have started replacing 1 meal a day (it's supposed to be 2, but that's too hard) with a smoothie of my own invention.  Today it was 1.5 cups unsweetened vanilla almond milk, half an apple, two handfulls of spinach and a tablespoon of rolled oats.  yesterday it was similar, sub kale and a banana and probably a reeses cup or something.   I hate dieting, but I learned in high school that the best way to lose weight in a hurry is to go on a liquid diet.  My best friend and I did the "soup" diet for weeks before prom.  We looked amazing, but no one liked us because our bitch factor rose with exponential fury when we were hungry.   Anyway, I want my kids to be happ...


Do you remember that movie?  I'm channeling Jennifer Lopez tonight.  Not in an "defending myself from an abusive ex" way, but in an "I'm a super mom, and if you try to invade my home you will probably lose." sort of way.   I should back up. Evan is in Austin for his bachelor party, undoubtedly 3 sheets to the wind - as he should be.  I am home alone with the twins for a few days.  It's my first time alone with them for more than a day, so I am already overwhelmed.  Now this was just the icing on the "Are you kidding me?" cake.  Earlier today I was at work and got a text from my nanny saying that my neighbor stopped by to tell her that he came home and interrupted some guys casing the complex.  They had a lookout who saw him pull into the driveway, he yelled into the complex and a few guys came running out.   I called the non-emergency line to report the "casing incident" and the lady said she couldn't help me.  I begged her...