7 Months and Still Going Strong

Happy Memorial Weekend! As I write this post, I'm listening to a mix cd that our friend Gabe gave to us of classical music that is supposed to be good for the little ones to listen to. I'm trying to create baby genius's of course. At this point, the babies can hear and can open their eyes. They probably can't see anything because of how dark it is in there, but their eyes can open and close. They are growing hair, and should be passing the two pound mark. I have an ultrasound this coming week, so hopefully we'll get another good look at them! Friday night Evan and I went to the Giants vs. Rockies game. My friend Sarah gave us her bleacher seats, so we got to sit in the outfield which was a fun change from our usual seats. Rockies hit a home run just a couple of rows below us, and after the chaos of drunk people fighting over the ball, they ended up throwing it back to the field anyway which is the common practice when the opposing team hits a...