Rest For The Weary

For all of you parents out there, you know the dream. Going away for a few days to a luxury resort and leaving the kids at home. Well, I don't want to brag, but I am Living. That. Dream. Right. NOW! I never get to travel for work, but for three days this week, my company has flown the whole team here to San Diego and are putting us up (yes even the locals) in a fancy resort for some conferences. When we were told about this mandatory staycation, I was so angry and irritated. I did not want to leave Evan alone with the twins for 3 days. Not because he is anything short of amazing with them, but let's be honest, I have control issues, and worry that Evan has not perfected the art of chaos as well as I have. I thought that they would lay in their cribs at night and talk about how they were going to overthrow daddy while mommy was gone. A piece of me worried that the babies would think that I abandoned them, and I really lo...