6 month update

Shhh, the babies are down for a quick nap. Today, I'm not feeling well - I have a cold and I am exhausted. We dropped Evan off at work this morning and instead of going out for our usual walk, I brought the babies home so I could rest. Rest. Well, you know what I mean. Luckily it is Friday, and Evan said he would take the babies to the farmer's market tomorrow and let me sleep... I can't wait! The other light at the end of the tunnel, is that February is filled with visitors of the Grandparent type, so Evan and I can let the Grandparents watch the kiddos while we sleep or have a date night. Yeay! Speaking of date nights, our friends Cate and Nate and their baby Franky gave us tickets to the George Strait concert at the end of the month! We are SUPER excited to go see him, but this means that we have to leave Wyatt and Olivia alone with a sitter for a few hours. Incredibly nerve wracking! We are using Cate and Nate's nanny...